Le Monde - For epidemiologist Antoine Flahault, episodes of pollution could “be one of the major determining factors in both the transmission and severity of Covid-19”...
ERS Journal - Studies have pointed out that air pollution may be a contributing factor to the coronavirus disease 2019…
ScienceDirect - In December 2019, a novel disease, coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19), emerged in Wuhan, People’s Republic…
ScienceDirect - The present work aims to study the role of air pollutants in relation to the number of deaths per each Italian province…
DPD Ireland - At a time when air pollution is one of the most serious environmental risks*, DPD Ireland has launched a new air quality monitoring....
Sciences et Avenir - This is a warning for the pollution peaks expected in the Paris region these days: fine particles of natural or anthropogenic origin would carry viruses...
Temperature reversal in fog or Saharan dust promotes fine particles in the air…
SPLF - The period of generalized confinement, from March 17 to May 11, 2020, is a priori very favorable for a study of atmospheric pollution....
Harvard T.H. Chan - People with COVID-19 who live in U.S. regions with high levels of air pollution are more likely to die from the disease than people…