
Les "rues canyons", ces artères qui amplifient la pollution - A Paris, la pollution annuelle moyenne en particules fines est trois fois plus élevée que le seuil fixé par l’OMS. Il existe par ailleurs de fortes disparités au sein de la capitale. Un phénomène amplifié par les "rues canyons", des rues étroites bordées par de hauts bâtiments qui vont retenir plus facilement la pollution....

Air Pollution In Paris: Do You Live In An Overexposed Zone? Explore The New Mapping

Paris Beacon - The Paris balloon slowly rises above André-Citroën Park (XVe). Like every day, this tourist attraction, which also serves as a tool for measuring air quality, takes curious passengers 150 meters above the ground...

Une carte améliorée de la pollution atmosphérique est apparue à Paris - « La pollution atmosphérique est très hétérogène et peut présenter des fluctuations de 1 à 5 au cours de la journée, selon les zones de la région parisienne. »explique Jean-Baptiste Renard...

Immersion4 & Pollutrack: pioneering a greener and safer data centre ecosystem

DigitalInfra Network - Immersion4 & Pollutrack has announced an unprecedented technology partnership in the fields of energy conservation, datacenter efficiency and pollution detection of fine particles PM2.5 in ambient air...

COVID-19: nowe badania wskazują na korelację szczytów śmiertelności z zanieczyszczeniem powietrza

Teraz Srodowisko - Nowe badanie naukowe CNRS-Inserm potwierdza korelację między szczytowymi wartościami śmiertelności w wyniku pandemii COVID-19 a poziomem zanieczyszczenia drobnymi cząsteczkami (PM2,5) – podaje dziennik internetowy Actu Environnement. Wyniki badania zostały opublikowane 29 lipca br. w czasopiśmie Atmosphere...

Parisian metro users exposed to excessive pollution, study warns

RFI - Commuters using Paris's underground system risk being exposed to high levels of fine particle pollution, a study has found. Transport company RATP contests the findings...

Pollution in the Paris metro: the stations with the worst air quality A journalistic investigation made it possible to classify the various metro stations in the capital according to their rate of fine particles in the air. Pollution which is involved in the death of at least 40,000 people, according to Public Health France...

Worrying levels of fine particles in the Paris metro - At the beginning of April, Respire obtained from the Paris public prosecutor’s office the opening of a preliminary investigation targeting the RATP for “deception and unintentional injury” due to poor air quality inside the metro. A month and a half later, Tuesday May 23, this same association presented, with the team of the program “Vert de rage”, broadcast on France 5, new results confirming the seriousness of the situation...

New study worries about air pollution in Paris metro

Teller Report - Fine particle pollution in the Paris metro reaches values well beyond the standards recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) This fine particle pollution comes both from the polluted air in the streets, which ventilate the stations, and from the metro trains themselves, which create dust during braking...